The robustly-designed KOEL i-Green Power Backup Solution provides a complete power back-up
With the in-built Auto Main Failure panel, it is designed to deliver convenience. When mains power
fails, this panel
automatically starts the genset and automatically switches off when mains power is restored - providing
hassle free
experience with running cost optimization.
The genset also comes with a multicolour genset status indicator, helping users understand the running
status from a
Thanks to the remote monitoring system-enabled advanced genset, users can get immediate alerts via
mobile or desktop,
while any critical parameter alert is generated by ECU.
What’s more? In case of any emergency break-down, nearest service dealers can receive alerts.
Further confused about this power-packed solution’s features? Simply scan the QR code on the body and
access multiple
helps like product catalogue, installation guidelines and service request!
KOEL iGreen Gensets offer a unique combination of CPCB norm compliance and enhanced fuel efficiency.
Across the range,
this genset offers substantial savings in fuel cost.
KOEL has extended fuel efficiency optimization from 100%, right up to 50% of rated load - combination of
efficiency & O2E provides a double advantage!